I’m using the “xlContinuonus” as the line style. From here, specify the line style using the “LineStyle”.Here I’m using “xlEdgeBottom” to apply border only to the bottom of the cell. Method 1: Select the text you want to draw a line in the middle, select the Home tab, click the diagonal arrow to the right of Font (or press Ctrl + D, Word 2003, select Tools Font in turn), and open Font dialog box, check Strikethrough, click OK, a line will appear in the middle of text, as shown in Figure 5: Figure 5. Enter underline with the shortcut keys Shift +. WPS Writer as text editors is easy to use as Microsoft Word. To change the formatting of the line, click the line to select it. Drag to draw a line underneath the cells that you want to underline. However, as as is shown below, the underline does not present on trailing spaces, How can we solve it Go to Menu click Option choose the General and Save tab check the Draw underline on trailing spaces option. Draw a line to underline cells On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes.
I, How to underline in word (I) How to underline blank space in word(Ie how to put underline in microsoft word without text) 1. We can underline the spaces at the end of a paragraph. Next, specify the border index from the contants avaiable. In addition, the underline may have different sizes, which is caused by the inconsistent format of the text.After that, type a dot (.) and then select the “Borders” property from the list of properties and methods.First, you need to specify the range or the cell where you wish to apply the border using the range object.In this tutorial, we will explore both ways and look at what are the different ways to add the border. The only difference between these two ways is in the “Borders” property you can even apply the border to one side of the cell and in the border around it applies to the cell completely. The first is the “Borders“ property and the second is the “BorderAround” method. Formatting in Excel is focused on numbers in particular, along with more standard formatting options for text, such as bold, italics, underline, size, colour etc. To apply borders to a cell using VBA in Excel, you can use two different ways. Tags: selection-style, selected-item, underline, tab-customization, customize-selected-tab, highlight-selected-tab, highlight-selection, selected-item-customization, tabheader-customization The SfTabControl has option to display underline to indicate the SelectedTab and it can be done by enabling its property named HighlightOnSelection.